vrijdag 10 juli 2009


It's 8:47 and it's almost time to get going. I am really excited to go
on this trip. For me, this is most definately the most exotic place
I've ever been.

In exactly five hours I'll be on the plane to Frankfurt. Then we have
a layover of six hours (yikes) before it's time for the 9 hour 55 min


vrijdag 3 juli 2009

7 Days till the Seychelles

In exactly seven days I'll be on an airplane heading towards the
Seychelles which is exciting and scary. It's exciting because it's an
exotic place that very few people have the pleasure of going to. And
it's exciting because I'm not sure what I'm supposed to expect.

I'm the type of person that always needs to know everything in advance
so I can prepare. This has made me rather uptight. This trip will
definately be a learning experience for myself.

Plus I'll get to see some of the most beautiful islands and untouched
nature on the planet.

dinsdag 30 juni 2009

Mijn bureau

Volgende week is mij laatste week bij 'het bedrijf'.

Ik deze foto genomen om mijn tijd daar te herineren. Hopelijk is deze
baan mijn laatste 'desk job'

Possibly failing

On the eve of my test for aspects of GB I am sitting here is my
bedroom wondering if i'm actually going to pass the test tomorrow?

I am getting more and more fed up with the HRO. It seems as though I
don't actually have to prove that I know anything; I just have to be
able to do assignments and add them to a portfolio at the end of the
year. This is my biggest personal fault. I can study for a test. And I
can write my way out of any situation. It's just the administrative
bullshit that I'm bad at. Oh well, genoeg zijgen!

vrijdag 1 mei 2009

Just a thought

To all of those out there stockpiling Tamiflu, I suggest you read Edgar Allen Poe's "Masque of the Red Death."

And most importantly, stop umnecissarily buying medication that should be reserved for those who are actually sick.

That was just a thought.
Goodday :)

donderdag 30 april 2009

I'm so tired of the media whores

And when I say that, I'm not talking about Paris Hilton and company
but rather the media as a whole.

In the past few days, and especially after today's events at the
Queen's Day Parade, all we can do is sit back and listen to the
newsman tell us how bleek and miserable the world really is.

But in reality, nothing is that bad. Even though very few people have
died, I have to be subject to the news experts that want to tell me
about how this virus could mutate and end all humanity as we know it.

After I see the terrible things that people can do to each other, I
sometimes think, "good riddens."

Swine flu preparedness kit

Wat je nodig heb om de varkensgriep te bestrijden.

woensdag 29 april 2009

Choosing art for the livingroom

One of my projects last weekend was to go to the ikea and buy three
frames to start decorating the house. So I am now trying to decide
which photographs I'm going to use in the frames. I have to choose
carefully because each print can cost anywhere from €4-€20.

I like the one above. It's part of my series called "Recreation and

Who would have known?

I have never been a believer in the idea that one learns something new everyday, but today I did learn something that makes me feel slightly nostalgic and proud about Missouri, the place from which I was spawned.

I learned just today, during a lackluster surf on Facebook that the Missouri Clean Energy Initiative passed overwhelmingly with 66% last November. Needless to say, I am pleasantly pleased and a bit surprised.

I was ashamed only a few months ago when while watching the film Jesus Camp on local television. I saw that many extremist Christian right wingers actually teach their children that global warming is somehow not real; that it is something made up by the leftist atheists who want to destroy the very foundation that America was built on.

Watching the movie gave me the impression that all of my presumptions about my birth state were true. That many people refused to change and would rather cling to their own obstinacy then rethink what they hold to be true. When I stumble upon these little gems of information, I begin to realize that things are not always what they seem, and that I am sometimes guilty of assuming that everyone is the label they own.

I am, however, most of the time right.

dinsdag 28 april 2009

Looking forward to the Seychelles

I am as giddy as a child right now. For I have realized that it is only a few more weeks until I go on my vaccation to the Seychelles.

This will be a great excercise for me, because I will be forced to leave my little technological bubble and enter a world where people are less connected and move slower.

Now I must start the research phase of what I will do when I'm there.

vrijdag 17 april 2009

Rotterdam to Berlin

I'm sitting on this crammed train on the way to Berlin. I've chosen to
rise first class, primarily because I know that you cannot find a spot
on an NS train before 9am in second class.

I haven't been to Berlin in years and am very excited to return.

maandag 13 april 2009

zaterdag 11 april 2009

vrijdag 10 april 2009

Avacado Trees

My lovely avacafo trees have survived yet another long cold winter
inside the house.

I started with five and now have three. 'tis a joy!

Filthy Art

It's not good, but it is dirty!

V for Vendeta

I've completely forgotten how much I love this movie. It's very

Tommorrow will be a day of grocery shopping and studying. :(

donderdag 9 april 2009

Going to Berlin

There are some things that I have become better at as I get older. One of those things is effective traveling. Years ago I would roam around cities, not really seeing anything of importance, eat shitty food, and then go home- and I enjoyed it. But that was yesteryear and I am a changed person.

I am going in a week to Berlin, and unlike a few years ago, I am going to plan a schedule that will make my four day visit effective and hopefully fun. Although I am not set yet with my schedule, I am set with what I will not do:

Drink every night and wake up at 2pm the next day.
Only eat falafel and shoarma
Take taxicabs
Talk to the local homeless (although I am not sure about this one)

woensdag 8 april 2009

What to do?

My blog is in need of a serious renaisance. I have not been diligent, and many of my posts have been about posting.

I am going to Africa this summer, which is great.